ATA : Air Transport Association of America
ATB : Air Transport Board of Canada
AWB : Air Way Bill
B :
Rate Class code indicating Basic charges as used in the rate class box of the AWB
BUC : Bulk Unitization Charges
C : Rate class code indicating SCR as used in the rate class box of the AWB
CASS : Cargo Accounts Settlement System
CC : Charges Collect
CCA : Cargo Charges Correction Advice
CFR: Cost and FReight
CIF : Cost Insurance and Freight
CIP : Carriage and Insurance Paid to
CITES : Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
cm : centemeter(s)
cm3 : Cubic Centimeter(s))
C.O.D : Cash On Delivery
CPT : Carriage Paid To
CRO : Central Reservation Office
CTC(A) : Canadian Transport Commission (Air Transport Committee)
cu.ft : Cubic foot(feet) : cubic inch(es)
CVGK : Customs Value per Gross Kilogram(kg)
CVGP : Customs Value per Gross Pound(lb)
Cy : CurrencY
DAF : Delivered At Frontier
DDP: Delivered Duty Paid
DDU : Delivered Duty Unpaid
DEQ : Delivered Ex Quay(duty paid)
DES : Delivered Ex Ship
Dir : Direct
dm3 : cubic decimeter(s)
DOT : Department Of Transportation(of USA)
E : Rate class code indicating over pivot rates as used in the rate class box of the AWB
e.g. : for Example
EFTA : European Free Trade Association
EU : European Union
EWB : Express Way Bill
excl : Excluding
EXW: EX Works
FAC F/SHINC: Fast As Can Friday/Saturday, Holidays Including
FAS: Free Alongside Ship
FCA : Free Carrier
FOB: Free On Board
FIATA : Federation Internationale des Associations de Transitaires et Assimilies (International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations)
FOB : Free On Board
ft : foot(feet)
GBL : US Government Bill of Lading
GCR : General Cargo Ratio
HAWB : House AirWay Bill
IATA : International Air Transport Association
ICAO : International Civil Aviation Organization
i.e : that is
in. : Inch(es)
incl : Including
INTRM : INTeRMediate Point
ISO : International Standard Organization
K : Rate class code indicating Rate per Kilogram as used in the rate class box of the AWB
Kg(s) : Kilogram(s)
LAR : Live Animals Regulations
lb(s) : pound(s)
L/C : Letter of Credit
LDS : TBA : Lay days to be agreed
LSD as per IMO : Lashing Securing & Dunnage
M : Rate class code indicating minimum charges as used in the rate class box of the AWB
m : meter(s)
m3 : Cubic meter(s)
MCO : Miscellaneous Charges Order
N : Rate class code indicating the normal under 45 kgs(100 lbs) or in its absence, the under 100kgs(220 lbs)rate, as used in the rate class box of the AWB
N.A : North American issue of TACT
NCV : No Commercial Value or No Customs Value
N.E.S : Not Elsewhere Specified indicates that certain types of that commodity have been specified under another item number(see Commodity Description List)
No,Nr : Number
NVD : No Value Diclared
OO : Owners Option
PBA : Paid By Agent
P.O.(B): Post Office(Box)
PP: Charges Prepaid
Q: Rate class code indicating the Quantity 45 kgs(100 lbs.) send over rate as used in the rate class box of the AWB
R: Rate class code indicating that a reduced class rate has been applied as used in the rate class box of the AWB
S: Rate class code indicating that a surcharged class rate has been applied as used in the rate class box of the AWB
SCR: Specific Commodity Rate
SITA: Societe International de Telecommunications Aeronautiques
SLI: Shipper's Letter Of Instruction
TACT : The Air Cargo Tariff
R : Rate class code indicating an additional weigfht charge as used in the rate class box of the AWB
UATP : Universal Air Travel Plan
ULD : Unit Load Device
VAOCLONL: Vessel And/ Or Cargo Lost Or Not Lost
v.v. : vice versa
W : Rate class code indicating an additional weight chanrge as used in the rate class box of the AWB
W.W. : Worldwide issue of TACT
X : Rate class code indicating ULD additional information as used in the rate class box the AWB
Y : Rate class code ib=ndicating ULD discount as used in the rate class box of the AWB